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New methods of treatment of paralyses of doctor Uhumaev.
Treatment of a children's cerebral paralysis.
Treatment myopathia. Treatment scoliosis the humpbacked form.

Treatment dear.
I ask to answer in Russian to language.
The first results of treatment become appreciable within 7 days after the beginning of a rate.

The Sertificate
The Membership card of UNESCO
The Sertificate of UNESCO
The Diploma of UNESCO

    Indication for cure
  • Cerebral spastic infantile paralysis under 35 years
  • Paralytic due to blood-stroke under 55 years
  • Paralysis due to injuries and missile wounds under 55 years ( without bedsores)
  • Myopathy, incipience
    Contraindication for cure
  • Mentality impairment
  • Heart attack and etc
    To meet with the Doctor you should prepare video material of patient condition (in advance). Video is to contain following aspects:
  • Speech, intellect abilities
  • Physical state, ability to stand or walk
  • Age, diagnosis

Here under video of effective treatment by Doctor Uhumaev:
Myopathy treatment, girl. (Windows media, 14 mb)  Save View
Paralysis treatment after blood-stroke, man 58 years. (Windows media, 9 mb)  Save View
Cerebral spastic infantile paralysis treatment, girl 17 years. (Windows media, 5 mb)  Save View
Cerebral spastic infantile paralysis treatment, girl 9 years. (Windows media, 2.5 mb)  Save View

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